Student Chapter Registration
Register your student chapter with GMMA. Please follow the directions below and we'll feature the chapters on the website.

Due to constant changes in officers over the years, we require each Student Chapter to create a uniform Gmail address following this format: (e.g, Please create a Gmail e-mail and put the e-mail above. E-mail in the wrong format will be rejected.
Please share the password for your chapter’s gmail for our records just in case.
We’ll be featuring your Chapter’s google calendar which will have all of your events featured on your chapter’s page. Please follow the directions above and share the embed code with us. When you update your Chapter's Google calendar, it'll automatically show on our website in your Chapter's page : - ) If you need assistance please contact our webmaster Nak at (808) 772-8887
Include the names, positions, email addresses, term start/end date for all of the officers. For example:
Jennie Kim, President, e-mail, 07/07/2027-07/07/2030
Peter Peterson, Treasurer, e-mail, 08/09/2028-08/09/2030
If you have any questions, concerns, or problems with this form, you can contact us at or call (808) 772-8887
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